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larry pages中文是什么意思

用"larry pages"造句"larry pages"怎么读"larry pages" in a sentence


  • 佩奇


  • It was at stanford where he met larry page and worked on the project that became google
    他在史丹福大学结识larry page并共同研发后来发展成google的专案。
  • Co - founders larry page , president of products , and sergey brin , president of technology , brought google to life in september 1998
    产品部门总裁larry page和技术部门总裁sergey brin这两位创办人在1998年9月成立google 。
  • " the perfect search engine , " says google co - founder larry page , " would understand exactly what you mean and give back exactly what you want .
    Google创办人larry page说道:完美的搜寻引擎,要能做到确实了解使用者想要的东西,并确实提供对应的资讯。
  • Joining the top 10 of the country ' s richest for the first time were google inc . founders sergey brin and larry page , who tied for fifth place
  • Together they founded google inc . in 1998 , and sergey continues to share responsibility for day - to - day operations with larry page and eric schmidt
    他们两人在1998年共同创办了google inc . , sergey并继续与larry page以及eric schmidt一起负责管理公司的日常营运事宜。
  • Larry page was google s founding ceo and grew the company to more than 200 employees and profitability before moving into his role as president , products in april 2001
    Larry page原为google创办人兼ceo ,在2001年4月转任产品总裁职位之前,他已经使公司员工成长至200多人,也增加了公司的获利率。
  • Google founders larry page and sergey brin recruited eric schmidt from novell , where he led that company s strategic planning , management and technology development as chairman and ceo
    Google创办人larry page和sergey brin自novell延聘了eric schimdt ,他曾经以novell董事长兼执行长的身分领导该公司的策略规划管理与技术开发。
  • That left google with a market value of about $ 154 billion just eight years after former stanford university graduate students larry page and sergey brin started the business in a silicon valley garage
    最近华尔街对公司的期望持续高涨,谷歌的股票上升了9 . 67美元,几乎是两个百分点,早晨在纳斯达克市场交易时达到了504 . 72美元。
  • Google stands alone in its focus on developing the " perfect search engine , " defined by co - founder larry page as something that , " understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want .
    Google出类拔萃的地方在于专注开发完美的搜寻引擎,创办人larry page将其定义为能做到确实了解使用者想要的东西,并确实提供对应的资讯。
  • The other , it has not : with a ph . d . - centered culture , google ' s co - founders , sergey brin and larry page , have assembled the industry ' s most unorthodox portfolio of human capital since microsoft began intense recruiting of
    事实上,在google ,注重知识和人才已经是企业文化的一个重要组成部分。自从微软在80年代开始大规模招募名牌大学的计算机科学专业毕业生以来, google可谓第二个对人力资源如此重视的大企业。
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